Our Work in India Today

All the children and staff of Project Father Heart are standing over the footprint of where the new home will be built.  We were so excited to pray over each corner of the home!

All the children and staff of Project Father Heart are standing over the footprint of where the new home will be built.  We were so excited to pray over each corner of the home!

“He gave us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning; a garment of praise instead of despair.  So they will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified”!             Isaiah 61:3

I just returned from India, and I wanted to share an update with you!  My first few days there were spent buying fall/holiday merchandise with Ricci Harke (my daughter).  We found beautiful fabrics in scarves, fresh pieces of silver, adorable purses, and inexpensive fun jewelry.   I will be coming to Illinois to attend TRI Socials with all the new items in November.  Hope to see you there! (All proceeds will go to Christmas gifts for the children of Project Father Heart and Zion Childrens home in India). 


BUT BETTER YET, we have a wonderful PRAISE report!

We have all the money for the 3 story “safe home” pledged to Child Restoration!   In November (just next month), we are praying to break ground on this home.  The children are all doing well scattered here and there, but we all realize how much our hearts ache to be under one roof again.  David, in particular, dreams about “all of us living in a home and dancing together on the rooftop again!”  It seems that our faithful God is fulfilling his prophetic vision right before our eyes.


We (Project Father Heart trustees and myself) approved a building that satisfies the requirements of the government, while still “feeling” like a home!  It has been a huge effort with many sacrificial hours and financial resources given  (especially by the Project Father Heart leaders and within the Oaks Community of Galesburg, IL).  We have renewed hope for the children’s future in that “land of milk and honey” God has given us.  It will be a center of discipleship where all who come are loved deeply and challenged to fulfill the call of God on their lives.  We are praying to have at least two floors finished before the monsoons (June, 2016)!


Now, we need to raise the funding for the beds and bedding , playground, tables and chairs, as well as other outdoor spaces.  If you or anyone you know is interested in helping with any of these projects, please contact me and I will give you specifics!  (All contributions to Child Restoration/U-Turn, Inc. are tax-deductible).  Plus, we now have a DONATE button on our website.


God has been and always will be faithful.   It is to Him that we give all the glory for these wonderful blessings; “grace upon grace…we have all received”!


This letter comes with much love and gratefulness to all of you who continue to stand with us for these children!

For the cause of Christ,

Brenda Lewis