Today in India

Believers in India are facing some challenging times. Persecution is increasing and arrests are occurring. Most of the world is unaware that this is happening because it is not being publicized. But our friends are definitely experiencing it. We've been aware of it, but this past week we've heard a lot more about it. It seems to be increasing. Please be praying for India, for the believers there, and for our workers especially. Pray for strength and wisdom as they face this. Please also pray for them to have peace in the midst of it. We are grateful that we can partner with them, encourage them, and walk with them through all of this. And we are grateful that you join us in this journey.

Always Growing

Part of working with kids is that we always have to adapt what we do as they grow and need different things. So now we are entering a new phase of working with kids who are becoming adults. We are so excited for this new season. Many of our kids are preparing for university. We are so excited to see where they go and what they do. They have changed their lives. They have studied hard and are excited to work towards further studying and eventually have jobs that they have long dreamed of. We are so proud of these kids and we just can't help but tell you all about how amazing they are. Some of them are studying to be engineers, some want to study in the medical field, and many desire to take care of those in need like they have been cared for. There are many other dreams as well. And we know they will achieve their dreams. Because these kids have overcome all obstacles, beaten the odds, and refuse to give up. They work towards their goals until they achieve them and this one will be no different. We are so proud of these world-changers and we can't wait to see all that they do. If you are interested in partnering with any of them financially to help make this possible, please email us at We welcome all your prayers for their future success. Thank you for being excited with us!

From a Building to Relationships

As we have built on this land, we have also built relationships. Our staff has done a beautiful job developing trust and friendship with the neighboring farmers. They are already working together and sharing things (water, power, etc.) in order to bless one another. Having the farmers like us will help in keeping our kids safe. So we will continue to work on those relationships. Perhaps the kids can even help with harvesting and get some of the crops in exchange. It could be very fun for them, as well as a blessing to have that fresh food. We are excited to see what comes of these relationships.

One really special moment was in January when a team was visiting the land. The neighbors requested that we come and pray over them and their land. These neighbors are Hindu. So they accept many gods. But they have seen the power of our God through the blessings He has given us with this land and this home. They believe our God has power and they want His blessings to fall on them as well. It was sweet to be welcomed to lay our hands on them and pray blessings over them. We boldly asked that they come to know the Lord through the home and the kids. After we prayed, they were excited to offer us gifts of the food they are growing. They were so proud to be able to share it with us. And they should be. They are working hard to produce some delicious food. These relationships are a blessing and it was exciting to see them. Please pray for continued blessing in relationship. 

From Land to a Building

Well, it's been a little while since there's been a post here. We apologize for not keeping this blog updated. That will change starting now. We are so grateful for all of you who support our ministry and care about the work we are doing. We want to share it all with you. Sometimes it can be hard to find the words to communicate all that has happened, but we will try our best.

The first thing we can update you on is the home we shared about in the last post. It has been a slow process, but it is coming along! We are very excited  about the progress we have seen. We had our first party inside the building in January. It may not look like this would be possible, but it was! It was very exciting to celebrate what God has done. There were many smiles, and laughter filled the building. It felt like a big family was together for a very special reason. 

The home is on the outskirts of the city in the countryside and it is a beautiful area. The kids will be able to run and play outside. What a blessing this will be! They will also have a garden. It will be a better place for kids to spend their time than in the city. We have developed good relationships with the neighbors and anticipate that being a blessing as well. We can't wait to see this building finished! 

Thank you to those of you who have made this building possible. We are so grateful. It will make a huge difference for the ministry. It has brought so much hope for the future. Thank you.